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Thursday, February 11, 2010

yuffa (kitangOkey) Philippines

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Chin - Chin's Story

He's a mixed puppy. Commonly known as "askal" in Filipino. I got him from my boyfriend's dad, who by then, was in the mood of giving.

The first time I got him, he was so bulgy, cute, and really quiet. I had the thought that he cant even bark. But then I realized that he's just a puppy, a two-month old puppy. I brought him home, straight from Bulacan to Taguig. It was so grossy. But memorable. We rode a bus, he's so bare. I did not bring tissue nor plastic just in case he'll poo.

I can describe that our ride was great except the fact that he poo on the bus. Yes! you heard it right folks! He poo on the bus. He was so quiet and I never thought of that pooing. But when we reached Ortigas, he got irritated and was trying to get out of me, then he poo. Just imagine the gross that he made in the bus. But you know what? The good thing about it was, a man, sat beside me, and lend his hand to help me carry my puppy. He said, "hawakan ko muna yung tuta, para malinis mo yung pupu nya." What a great deed. I love that gesture. Then I fixed the mess Chin made in the bus and thanked the old man for his help then get off the bus when we reached Guadalupe terminal. I leave you the thinking how I fixiate the mess on the bus. ^^

When he got home, he was as quiet as ever. He was just following me around. I was giving him milk and then afterwards he would just sleep. His favourite spot was under the kitchen counter. I think it's kinda cold down there.

One month after, he's now learning to bark. He's really progressive. He's growing fast. There was one time that he got sick, I brought him to a vet, and was proud to say he's mixed when the vet asked what his breed is. He was even more beautiful than the Rottweiler puppy sitting in the corner of the vet shop. Kudos to my Chin chin!

Now, I am looking forward to his being a dog. I am very excited how he will grow up. I hope he's huge. So I can walk around with him and play around with him during my free time. I know he'll live healthy. I'll be watching him.