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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hi! My name is Yuffa. I am 22 years of age. This is my first time blogging and I am really excited. Ever since, I am a fan of blog. I wanna have my own site to share, learn from other's comments, and enjoy! I think that is the essence of blogging. I also heard that you can earn out of blogging. So seriously, please drop comments and suggestions how to do that.

On this site, you will know me better. I am planning this site to be my online diary, sharing my day to day activities, and thoughts. I also am planning to share my friends' stories, thoughts, and their emotions so it would be more enjoyable to read. Haha!

Hope everybody will love this blog. This is just an introduction, watch out of my stories and drop some comments, please! Ciao!

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